Website Price List

When you try to get your website done then the very first thing that you will concern about is the price for website development. Depending on the type of website and the skills and expertise of the website developer the website price list may vary but somehow it will be similar.

Today is the world where we are living and easing our day-to-day life with internet and almost it is impossible to live without internet. Website can be of different type and serve to different community based on their target audience for an example an educational website will serve the student community whereas the medical website will serve the patient community. There are many components that together make a website let us have a look on those components.

Website Components

Web Host: they provide a space on the web server where we can store our website’s file and data to be accessible to all over the world.

Domain: this is the address through which website can be accessed and commonly known as URL of the website.

Call-to-Action: this is a directive that is used for marketing that encourage the visitors to take any action e.g., “Buy Now”, “Download Now”. Etc.

Content: this represents each and everything that you can see on the Internet. Whether it is an image or the text that is providing information about the business, comes under the content of the website.

SEO: this is very important factor while creating the website that helps the website to rank high on the result page of the search engine that make it more visible to the customers.

SSL: for the security of the website, you need to install SSL certificate the secure your website from unwanted cyber-attack and protect the confidential data of the website from being hacked by any cyber-attacker.



Website Type

Every business is different from one another and hence the website will differ according to the business and individual. However, the websites are broadly classified into two major group that is

Static website design: where the websites are basic and small. This suited best to very small business and individuals who wanted to display the information related to their business without adding any features or functionality.

Dynamic website design: this kind of website is data driven and its content is dependent on the user itself. This type of website requires a set of database and backend technologies that convert the data provided by the user to the content of the website.

Based on the size and the community they server it can be further divided into different types these are:

  • Educational website

These types of websites serve the student community. Educational website generally owned by any Institute who provide different crash courses for professionals or any supplement courses for students. This type of website comes under the dynamic website that need a large database to store the data of every single student. Price for developing educational website is high that can range from INR150,000 to INR500,000.

  • E-Commerce website

These types of websites serve the community of almost every age group from 15–70-year age. This type of website owned by any physical store owner or any virtual store that buy and sell product from vendors to customers. This website also falls under the dynamic website category that changes its content based on the individual customer’s data. Price for developing eCommerce website is high that range around INR80,000-INR150,000.

  • PSD to HTML website

These types of websites are created by converting the high-quality definition of image produced by Photoshop software. Today the conversion of PSD to HTML is very rare as it requires high skill set. This conversion website is commonly used for website with a lot of images and graphic and mostly server the children community. The price for PSD to HTML website development is around INR40,000 to INR80,000.

  • Business website

These websites are built according to the business domain and serve the community of different sector who comes under the consumer. Mostly the community of business profile are the stakeholder or other business owners. This kind of website comes under both static and dynamic. If the business is small and the website need to just display the information related to business then the website will be static whereas if the business is large and the consumers may have to register for any online process then the website will be dynamic. To create business website, price list will vary from INR50,000 to INR90,000.

  • Portfolio website

These websites are generally created for nay individual who wanted to showcase their work on the internet so that it can reach a wide audience. The portfolio website serves the community of the age group from 20-50 years. Mostly the portfolio website is owned by any photographer, web developer, graphic designers or some other individuals with the same skills. The portfolio website is static website that doesn’t cost a lot. The portfolio website price list may range in between INR25,000 to INR50,000.

Website Price List

The website price list depends on how big the website is, and what technologies are needed, how much advanced and creative content you provide. The website price list depends on the type of business and type of website that range from basic website to advanced website. There are lot of different factors that affect the website price list based on their needs and requirement some of them are crucial while few are supplements. However, if you wanted to get an estimated website price list for your business website then you use website development cost calculator to get all your query answered.



website development cost calculator


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