How much does it cost to make a website in Dubai?

In recent years website development is the most important way to make your business identity. Do you have a strong online identity? If not then get that one today. But how much does it cost to make a website in Dubai? Well due to the increase in demand for websites, it is a very obvious question that everyone is having in their mind but it is not possible to tell the exact website development cost as several factors and elements affect the website development cost. There are a lot of small businesses and start-ups in Dubai that are looking to get a cost-effective website and marketing strategy to get the best return on investment. Insoft Solution is one of the top website design companies in Dubai with a proven best track record that working with many top international companies.

This article is all about enlightening the essential factors that affect the cost of website development so that you can get a better understanding of your project and strategize concerning website development cost and process.

  1. Design

All websites try to drag more traffic towards them, so it is very important to consider how your website is creating an impact on the visitors. The websites impact is dependent on the websites design, hence the UI and UX are the elements that extend the overall website development cost.

User Interface UI

The user interface of any website defines the navigation of the website. The more customized your website is the better interface it will have. There are so many readymade templates available that can be used for user interface but they wont be customizable as per the customers need. the component and libraries that are being customized depending on the type of user interface the developers are selecting can affect the overall website development cost to rise or fall that rotate around AED 1,500 to AED 4,000.


User Experience UX

User experience defines the interaction elements of the website with the visitors. Website designers create wireframes for implementing the layout and information hierarchy of the website that will be followed by adding features and strategies depending on the users persona. The website development cost can vary as the UX design elements contain features and customizations. Generally, UX designers in Dubai cost around AED 1,600 to AED3,500.

  1. Technology

The technology used for creating a website can affect the overall website development cost and it is very important to understand the different technologies, their use, and how they affect the website development cost. website design companies in Dubai

Front-end Technology

Front-end technologies play a vital role while determining the website development cost as the expertise level of developers exceeds, they can charge you more. Front-end developers can cost to make a website in Dubai for around AED 2,600 to AED 6,700. There are several front-end technologies present in the industry few of them are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript which are considered the main technology for front-end and others are jQuery, Vue.js, React, Angular, Bootstrap, etc.

Back-end Technology

The backend technology defines the working and functionality of the website. There are a lot of different technologies used for back-end development and developers can charge you accordingly. Java, PHP, and .NET are the main back-end technology used for website development. Generally, back-end developers can cost to make a website in Dubai around AED 2,500 to AED 1,2000 based on their experience.


Database technologies are used to store the websites data and they vary depending on the websites architecture and traffic. There are a few main Database technologies like MySQL, Mongo DB, and Oracle while others are Dynamo DB, Amazon Aurora, and PostgreSQL. Their database expert can charge based on the database requirements and their experience which may lie between AED 2,300 to AED 7,500.

  1. Size

The more pages you add the more UI/UX and development you need that altogether exceed the website development cost. Each page has unique look and thus they need special attention which means more programming and design need to be done to produce a large number of web pages. A smaller website may contain few unique pages but when you create a complex website with several web pages then they affect the website development cost that can exceed AED 1,800 to AED 6,900. website design companies in Dubai

  1. Content 

Your website needs content to display to users. The content takes time especially if you wanted creative and unique content for your website. There are a lot of elements while making the content of a website are images, text, videos page titles, metadata, animation, etc. Content can be done by any expert content writer who can charge according to the size and uniqueness of the content which goes up from AED 1,500 to AED 3,500.

  1. Domain

Your website needs an address to be searched by the user on the internet and for that getting a Domain name is important. A domain name can be purchased from any provider that offers different plans based on the level and security of the domain which ranges between AED 50 to AED 500 per year. If you are selecting a top-level domain then you have to pay more which affects the overall website development cost.

  1. Website Hosting

For storing your website on the server, you need to rent a space on the server. Web hosting is necessary for your website because by hosting your website will be accessible on the internet and users can visit it. The charge for web hosting depends on the space and traffic your website is containing and based on that you can choose a web hosting plan that can cost you around AED 150 to AED 1000 annually. website design companies in Dubai


Website is a very important factor and we have seen all the essential factors that affect the website development cost. In this era of digitization and advanced technology just getting a website is not sufficient. Your website must be able to compete with others and set a better impression on the visitors so that you can get more traffic and sale. Now for achieving this goal you need an expert for your website development.

We Insoft Solutions are having a team of professionals who understand the need for user interaction and help you to expand your business through a strong digital identity. We offer a comprehensive range of website design services using top-notch technologies.


website design companies in Dubai


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