Freelancer website design cost per hour

or your business, a functional website that is simple to use on desktop and mobile platforms can result in high sales volume and maximum exposure. But before you begin building a website or making improvements to an existing one, you should ask yourself this crucial question: How much will freelancer website development cost in India per hour for your company? 

Knowing the scope and duration of the project will help you estimate the website design cost as you choose the type of site you want for your business. The benefits of working with a freelancer could cost as little as $75 or as much as $100, depending on your idea. 

One option to create a website for your company is by hiring a freelance web designer. Freelancers are suitable in certain circumstances because they work on a project-by-project basis. Freelancers will momentarily work as part of your team to build a website that represents your company. For smaller projects like updating or adding new pieces to a website, changing various design aspects, or creating new pages, freelancers can be more cost-effective. 

website development cost in India

How much do freelance web designers cost exactly?


You are well aware of how freelance web designers operate in comparison to website design companies. You have found the best resource if youre looking for a straightforward overview of freelance website design costs per hour.

It goes without saying that independent web designers charge less than web design companies. Freelancers are able to pass on their savings to you because of lower overhead, smaller sizes, and fewer resources needed.

The charges of independent freelance web designers might also differ significantly based on a number of criteria. Additionally, youll discover that they provide a variety of pricing options, including per hour, project, and development cost in India

  • The Projects Type

An eCommerce website that supports safe online transactions or a custom website with a content management system (CMS) has significantly larger scopes than a simple brochure-style website. As a result, cheaper websites will be simpler and easier to develop. The freelance web design cost will increase as you require more sophisticated features and website capabilities. The reason for this is that the freelancer puts in more time and effort to construct your website.

  • Experience and Knowledge

The freelance web design cost varies among independent contractors with various degrees of training and expertise. Working with an experienced designer will cost more because you are paying for their experience and expertise. 

Due to their prior work with a variety of firms, seasoned designers can better comprehend your objectives and produce the right website. You must be ready for someone with less experience if you wish to work with a freelance web designer that offers reduced fees.

This isnt always a terrible thing, though! Young designers are frequently usually knowledgeable about web design and eager to produce a top-notch website to enhance their portfolios.

  • Project Duration

It is simple to understand that a project that takes more time and effort will cost more than a more simple strategy. A freelance web designers time is effectively taken away from other tasks when you hire them for a longer length of time. And they must receive payment for that. To give you a better idea of the overall freelance web design cost, make sure your freelance web designer gives you an approximate estimate of how long it will take to finish your website. website development cost in India

  • Per Hour

Most independent freelance web design costs between $30 and $60 per hour. As previously stated, this charge varies according to the skill level and expertise of the designer, as well as the size and duration of the project. When you pay by the hour, you can discover that your expenses add up very quickly. This is because more modifications and consulting time result in more billable hours overall.

  • Per Project

Paying per project, by far the most typical price strategy, entails receiving an upfront, mutually agreed-upon amount for your website. Freelance web design typically costs between $400 to $1,000 for small enterprises, depending on the project and designer. It also becomes much simpler to organize your spending because there wont be any surprises later on because you will know exactly what the project prices comprise.

  • Per Page

For simple brochure-style websites, paying per page is a less common method of website pricing. This is due to the fact that increasingly complex commercial websites with features like CMS or eCommerce capabilities demand more expertise and time, which cannot be quantified in terms of money by the total number of pages on the website.

Website Type

Website Features

Hourly Rate

Per Project Rate

Basic Brochure-website

5-10 pages website with the basic design, focused on content and design.

$30 to $35

$200 to $400

Advanced CMS website

A large business website loaded with features and functional CMS and other attractive features such as call-to-actions, Live Chat, etc

$30 to $50

$400 to $800

Customized website

A customized and dedicated website designed for unique businesses with advanced functions and features. In-built CMS to maintain the website content and blogs.

$40 to $60


Types of websites and freelance web design cost

According to the Insoft Solution which is known as the best website development cost in India. The goal of the websites creation is crucial in determining the cost of web design. Cost is influenced by a websites nature, degree of complexity, and specifications. Here are some website types and their respective development development cost in India

  • Development of an e-commerce website ($615 – $1370 USD)

One must be aware that an e-commerce website has more complex capabilities than a standard website when intending to launch one. Consequently, an E-commerce website will be more expensive in India. E-commerce is a new trend in the digital world, thus a business owner should be aware that it is expensive to develop.

Payment accessibility, shipment tracking, OTP verification, customer reviews, and other important variables all play a significant role in determining how much it costs to construct an e-commerce website. The freelance web design cost of developing an e-commerce website has increased as a result of these extra functionalities.

Customers can contact a product or service on an e-commerce website in exchange for money. It includes progressive functions and enables online product display. The price of a basic e-commerce website with room for about 100 products starts at just $615 USD.

  • Development of an educational website ($275–$410)

Schools, colleges, and universities are the finest candidates for this kind of website. The size of the curriculum or the number of courses that an institute offers determines how sophisticated this type of website is. It is necessary to display each course separately. A basic level website with 10-15 websites costs about $275 USD for an educational website. However, as the number of web pages rises, the cost might too.

  • Development of a brochure website ($35–$70 USD)

A brochure website satisfies the need when working on small firms or fresh start-ups. This kind of website functions as a middleman, validating a new entrepreneurs online accessibility and setting up a meeting between the entrepreneur and a possible client. Websites designed as brochures often have 5-8 web pages. Basic elements seen on these websites are a Home Page, About Us, Gallery, and Contact Us. These websites range in price from $35 to $70 USD, depending on the layouts and graphic interfaces used. The complexity and price of custom websites with custom themes are substantially development cost in India

  • Development of corporate websites ($345 to $550 USD)

In the corporate worlds empire, this kind of website has reached new heights. These websites are incredibly active and effectively convey information about the business. Corporate websites have a strong positive impact on a brands market value. A corporate website can be created for between $345 and $550 USD.


website development cost in India


Categories: Website Designing

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