Average cost of website design for small business

According on the websites complexity and the designers level of experience, the average price of a small company website design can range from INR 20,000 to INR 4,50,000. The number of pages, the presence of customised features, the usage of expensive design templates, and the integration of third parties are just a few of the numerous variables that might impact the price of a website. To get an exact sense of the price of a website for your small business, it is usually wise to seek estimates from various web design companies.


Whether you run an online, offline, or hybrid business, your website serves as your online showroom, therefore it makes sense to spend money on expert web design. But what is the average cost to website design for a small business?

Website development cost for small business will vary depending on the size, functionality, and launch date of the site.

How much does a small business website cost?


You can use our free website cost calculator to get a quick (and accurate) quote for building a website for your small business. Additionally, you should look at our 30-day web design services, which will offer your business a brand-new, personalised website in 30 days!

A small business website typically costs between INR 40,000 to INR 80,000 to develop. Website design company in Mumbai includes designing and developing your website, as well as the cost of your domain name and web hosting package. The size, complexity, and features of your website will determine how much your firm will pay to have it made.

What determines your small businesss web design costs?

You may be aware of the typical price to build a website for a small business, but how does that figure come to be?

You have a number of pricing elements to consider when it comes to small company web design prices, many of which are crucial. For instance, these seven elements will nearly always be included in your website design costs:

1. Domain name

Your domain name serves as your virtual address. Youll typically buy a domain name thats exactly the same as your business name.

A domain name typically ranges in price from INR 500 to INR 10,000.

If your domain name is not up for sale, you might have to go with another choice. Although you can get in touch with the domain names current owner, doing so usually costs extra.

2. Website hosting

With website hosting the web hosting firms can power and make your website accessible via the Internet.

Youll usually pay less for web hosting as a small business.

For instance, the majority of small websites use shared hosting, which ranges in price from INR 5,000 to INR 20,000 per year. Your business will share a server with multiple other websites when you choose shared hosting. Shared hosting is less expensive as a result.

Although shared hosting has more constrained server resources, small sites frequently benefit from it because they use fewer resources overall.

3. SSL certificate

Your website and the data of its visitors are protected by a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. Although it is optional, the majority of businesses view an SSL certificate as crucial. It acts as a symbol of trust, encouraging consumers to fill out your contact form or buy your product.

Additionally shielding client data from hackers, SSL certificates defend your companys reputation.

Your business may occasionally qualify for a free SSL certificate. For instance, your site hosting provider might include an SSL certificate with your subscription. Depending on your demands, however, you may want to get an SSL certificate, which can cost up to INR 20,000 per year to secure your site.

4. Design

Design is a cost component that varies significantly when it comes to small company web design expenses. Your business might want a simple design, whilst another might prefer a high-end layout that takes more designer effort.

Additionally, youll probably require a variety of designs or templates, such as for the pages listed below:

  • Homepage
  • Product or service page
  • Contact page

Due to this, the price of designing a website might range from INR 40,000 to INR 80,000.

Ask web design companies about their design expenses when you meet with them. So that you can create a reasonable budget for your company, ask for examples of both high-end and basic designs, for instance.

5. Number of pages

The sizes of websites vary. A service-based business might have fewer than 10 pages whereas an online store may have over 100. Even if the pages share some layouts, designing and developing those pages takes effort from a web design and development standpoint.

An online store might have 50 product pages, for instance. The design template for those product pages is the same.

For sites with 1 to 50 pages, which is the typical number of pages for small business websites, page prices can range from INR 60,000 to INR 80,000. Website design companies typically charge per page in tiers, such as 1 to 10 pages or 10 to 20 pages.

6. Functionality

Functionality in web design refers to a wide range of functions, with an emphasis on e-commerce features in most cases. When budgeting for your small businesss website design, consider functionality costs if your organisation plans to accept online payments or purchases.

Offering online payments is beneficial even if you provide services like landscaping, plumbing, or home maintenance. Online payments are convenient for many consumers. If the website for your company allows for online transactions, this could be a distinctive selling point that attracts more customers. Costs for functional elements in web design range from INR 90,000 to INR 1,50,000. Your functionality costs will probably fall between the lower and higher ends as a smaller company.

We can assist your business in deciding which ecommerce capability would be most beneficial for your website and operations. Simply reach out to us online to speak!


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